Saturday, June 16, 2007

Earth Is Benevolent

Our little sphere of influence, Planet Earth, is benevolent. It is humankind that destroys life, plunders the Earth's resources, and men mostly, who are driving our kind to extinction. Our kind provided with a brain that has evolved into a thinking tool, using it unwisely will determine its fate.

This creature composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen has failed nature. He has taken his gift of life and consciousness and waged war on his fellow creatures. It is his awareness of himself that was to be the distinction between humans and lower forms of life.

He has taken ideologies and beliefs as his tools of aggression. He has sent his children to war. He has destroyed communities. He has ruined the lives of innocent people. He has planted hatred in the hearts where there was none. He has changed the destinies of people and nations.

What is man? A handful of dust. It is dust to which he will reuturn.


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