Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Do It Obama!

President Obama's ratings are heading south. Oy yoi yoi! This is my first post since August 2009. OMG! Have I been asleep? Am I in denial.? I voted for the lug and I guess I just went about my business, believing in his words and not seeing him as a dyed-in-the-wool politician. I guess he was still in the dye vat last year and did not see his true colors. He certainly made a good case for accepting him in the family. Did I fail to see his duplicity while he was courting my country? I guess I was like the father who can't believe that his daughter would fall for someone who was just a smooth talker. I saw the smooth talker, but figured he was speaking to an entire nation, not just a doting father. Should have known better.

That Oval Office is some funny place. Put a wanna be or gotta be in the chair and sure enough they enjoy the company an oval can attract. All those Wall Street migrants seemed to be attracted to the shape as well.Obama is by now properly insulated from public opinion.

Oh, he probably reads, sees it, gets told about the public's the s0-called American People, but does it matter now? After all, he IS President of the USA. Nice job. Nice perks. Plenty of intellectual stimulation. Hire and fire. State dinners. Travel. Good food. Nice place to live. Plenty of network news anchors bleeding for an interview where Mr. Obama can speak in absolute terms or conditional terms. He can blame the former administration. Oil (BP). The Economy. Wall Street. Republicans. He can tout his Health Care accomplishment and new regulations and Supreme Court appointments.

What can we do? He promised a rose garden and forgot to mention the thorns. Men who become president of the United States in modern times disppear into the power they wield. They hear the mummerings of the "People" but are too busy paying attention to other voices in other rooms.

But the unemployed. The failed business. The foreclosed home.They can't wait
The administration that claims to be working for the nation and raising the level of hope in what appears to be a hopeless economy, a deregulated business world, a scheming and duplicitous financial environment, a quarreling House and Senate, can't neglect the people.
It must speak to us and show heart. Then it must do something and not be distracted by radicals and the reactionaries. To be elected to the highest office in the land is not employment.
It is an honor and a privilege calling for leadership and creativity. DO IT OBAMA! NOW!


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