Saturday, April 22, 2006

Vincent van Gogh

Hilarie M. Sheets reports the sale of yet another painting by Vincent, Madame Ginoux, on May 2 at Christie's. Previous portraits have sold for $71.5 million and $82.5 million. Early collectors of Vincent's work eventually die and their heirs claim it is better to sell the work for various reasons. What do collectors purchase when they pay millions? Have you seen a van Gogh? Then you know why someone with that much wealth can pay millions. Have you ever purchased something that you just had to have? I mean an art purchase. You knew that your life would be richer, fuller, happier, more complete if you owned that work and could treat it as one of your own. Call it foster care until you pass on and your heir looks at this now valuable work of art and wants to sell it at auction. It does not resonate with them the way it did with you. The money might. Mr Bakwin, 78, the owner of Madame Ginoux, says " It was a very major decision of mine to sell it. The risk of damage of any kind or robbery just felt to high. Much as I would have liked to continue holding it, it seemed to me too important to have hanging in a modest apartment in Chicago. Uh huh.


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