Thursday, October 05, 2006


Have we Americans been bamboozled into accepting a war on terrorism by the dark side of our national character? Do we come to death and destruction naturally as part of our psychic make up? Do we just a need a few leaders who say "go get 'em" to convince us that it is "the right thing to do" ? Harry Truman approved killing millions of Japanese with the atomic bomb. Do we ever think of that as a crime?
We also interred Japanese in camps fearing their nationality might turn against us.
They were Americans. We had segregation for decades. The dark side or the shadow exists in every man and woman beneath the mask we wear, our public face. When any group of men or women gain power they can find justification for anything they want to do. It has happened again. Reason has been silenced by fear allowing the dark side to step out and attack an oppressed people only to become the oppressors. If the dark side, the shadow, in nations is not considered, it must find ways to justify its actions. Have we been bamboozled? No, we have tricked ourselves into thinking our leaders were right when they were only working with their shadow self.


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