Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Fine Art Of Courtship

C. says.
Yesterday, I had lunch in a local favorite, called Pannera . It's a smart hangout for people of all ages, shapes, and sizes. It's informal and people seem to relax and settle in very quickly. It's a meeting place and an office for laptop users. It's a disguised cafeteria. You don't get a tray and stand in line. You stand and place your order with a battery of friendly faces and a few steps away you pick up your meal and find a seat. It's modern,clean, efficient....a cafeteria. Anyway, yesterday I watched a sixtyish woman dressed very smartly with loose, neck length, white hair. Soft and silky. Dressed conservatively and not prone to eye contact and definitely waiting for someone. She had a pampered demeanor that suggested a small degree of discomfort with her very public presence. Time passed. Her waiting meter was ticking away. Her eyes moved outside to the parking lot and downward to the table. I noticed her fingernails were painted a bright red. Curious about that. Why paint your fingernails?....and red! Never mind. A little more time passed and soon a sixtyish man with fluffy grey hair, pink face, navy blue jacket with a monogram whisked into view and rushed to the table. She looked up with a degree of "Your late" in her eyes and he said loudly, "Been waiting long?" He placed both hands on the table and leaned into her placing as much as he could of himself as close as possible. He muttered something and she beamed a girlish smile back at him. He was obviously was a pro and so was she. He took her order and soon returned with two trays and settled down to romance. It could have been 20 somethings meeting for a first luncheon date.....but it wasn't. It revealed that the package may change but the contents remain the same. Happy Ending. Boy Meets Girl.


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