Donald Rumsfeld
I know Donald Rumsfeld. He is the boy in the schoolyard who kept to himself and squinted at groups who looked at him with suspicion while he felt superior to them.
He is the high school athlete who doesn't loosen up and enjoy athletics. His aim is to win. He is aloof and distant. He is the academic who is scornful of all beneath his status and singles out a rare person to befriend and offer himself as a mentor, expecting to be considered a god. He is a maverick by design and crafts schemes that do not allow discussion or alteration. He is right and that is all. If he punishes, it is for the good ends he has come to see. He believes that when he says something is logical the proof is in his saying it is so. His wall of distrust, arrogance, absolute knowing, disapproval, scorn, and self obsessive thinking surrounds him.
To be heard he must shout over the wall not caring if there is anyone there to listen. What is troubling is that this man makes decisons on the world stage without regard to who is listening or the consequences. He knows he is right.