Saturday, December 15, 2007

Eve's Hope

Eve's Hope

It would be easy to turn our heads
Towards the glitter, the shining moment.
Harder still to not look over shoulders
At the wasted world crumbling, melting, torn apart
By wind, water, warriors, and waste.

This creature standing up on its hind legs
Eons ago thought only of survivial,
Not the destruction of his species.
Or did he?
Eve had a reason for her actions.
"Think!", "Think", "Think!"

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Friday, December 14, 2007



Glass tears of loss drop into the batter
Disappearing into the swirling motion of tomorrow.
"It must be so. " "The earth must be fed our children. " "Their blood must heal."
A mother's arm turns the world while a father's rage smashes it.
She stirs the sons and daughters into the mixture of her unceasing pain and anger,
While their bodies pile up on her table waiting to be layered into the crust.
"He will be content."

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Agnostics Prayer

Agnostic's Prayer

From the hillside I see the flock.
Stones with feet pulling their burdened
Forms across the landscape
Casting eyes to a figure whose shadow
Is no comfort or friend.

Pushing and shoving for some position
In the mud of belonging, of believing,
They huddle waiting for a tone of knowing
Comforted by their closesness.

Here on the hill the starry heavens
A riddle of sensation
Marks the hours
As we tumble in the universe
Drying out our primeval wetness.