Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Whew! It wasn't close, but it was an anxious time waiting to see if Obama was going to slide into history one way or the other. John McCain clinched it though when he tossed up Palin to see if she would fly. She did but it was an unstable flight doomed to bring the erratic McCain campain crashing to the ground. Amen!

It was just the uncertainty bred by 8 years of the Bush that made us all uneasy. Fifty-eight million of us still don't care who is in office as long as it is a republican.

Now that Obama can say "giddyap" we must wait to see if we can arrive somewhere in the next four years that we democrats consider a destination.

I am seeing a number of old men lining up for the Obama cabinet. I respect their knowlldge and experience but I wish they were advisors to a young cabinet.

I guess I have to trust that Obama is not just trying to reassure the "old guard" that he can handle this buggy, but knows that right now government needs some mature expertise not just out of graduate school.

I guess we have done our job and can go back to waiting for the hopeless feeling to return.

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