Saturday, February 23, 2008

Clinton & Obama & Obama & Clinton & ...

Just a molecule of angst and dread this a.m. You know the feeling. Another day of Obama and Clinton nonsense. Obama still looking for worship and Clinton looking for hope. So weary of this media merry-go-round. Something wrong with people who want to be No.1, but they are the only ones who go for it. It has to be psychological. Obama's father left him at age 2 to be raised by his grandmother and Clinton had a father who always praised her accomplishments but with the caveat that she could "do better." Mitt Romney always had a weird look on his face in front of a crowd. Dogs have it when your scratch their bellies.Clinton seems to soak it up as well. Of course, Obama won't be happy until he is sworn in as No. 1. It's his rite of passage since he did not have a dad to provide it. McCain has his war record, his rite of passage, with a lurking anxiety of some kind about who he is. Everything he utters seems to come from some place in him that feeds him line by line, sort of an inner teleprompter.

So I did not make my bed. I did not bath. I did shave and brush my teeth. Rushed out to Panera for coffee and a walnut and carrot cake muffin. Brought Obama and Clinton with me in Newsweek. Why? I want them to go away. I keep thinking that they will if I pay enough attention to them. The usual alone people talking to their cell phones. Making up the conversation to look connected. A 30ish woman in black from head to foot nodding her leg and sitting sideways on her chair while she looked out the window. She wanted to look like she was waiting for someone. I had Newsweek, Obama and Hilary. Nearby couples with a husband on his cell phone. "Let's go out to breakfast dear?" 'k, she says. He talks to his buddies on the cell phone. She is alone also. All the lonely people. Obama, Hilary, me, and the others. Who are we living alone and together.

Later I went to Borders. I was looking for a book about how the electroninc media is changing familiar life. The life we have lived up to this moment. The life of our bodies. The life of our mind.
Our lives. I am wondering if we are being pulled into another life where we are something like an old fashioned switchboard and cell phones, laptops, ipods, blackberries, earphones, email, wi-fi, and other things on there way are usiing us to their own ends or commerces ends, maybe government ends, and who knows the New Nerds crowd aware of our every move and thought. I found a couple of books. No paper or pen to write them down to check later. What did I have? A tiny keychain digital recorder with a minutes worth of recording time. I said the titles and then rushed back to Panera to use their wi-fi service to check I was looking for a book to tell me what I already knew and did not know I knew .....and maybe still don't. Scary!