Do You Understand Life?
Do you understand life. Apart from your biology, do you understand what your life is? In 24 hours we are creatures that think, breath, feel, consume, walk, ride, fly,cry, laugh, become angry, worry, dream, eat,sleep, have sex, cook, pay bills, dance, pray, make music, write, yell, scream, giggle, swim, climb, take care of others, help others, fight with others, and we don't really know why. Isn't that staggering? Yes, we can explain our actions, but where does all of this come from? What is the source? Where is the spring for it all?
To not know why all of that is important is a tough one. Could we say that it all arises out of survival? Is it nothing more than refinement of instincts to survive - food, shelter, and clothing? How about prayer? Is that something we invented as well as God and gods. But why?
Of course philosophers have tackled these big questions. Their answers only lead to more questions. My quest is simpler than those big questions. When I wake up in the morning who am I?
If I stopped cold and did nothing and thought no thought. What would I be? Would I still be me?
If I opened up my consciousness would I find God or Being or Energy and dissolve into whatever it was? Do I know what I am doing when I am doing it? Is all that I am doing moving far beyond who I really am until my real self is a tiny spec on the edge of a distant horizon?
A wonderment.