Wednesday, May 03, 2006


FM-FM Comment:
Bob Dylan is a DJ- "As DJ...he taps America's musical heritage with words that veer for from the logically linear to the abstract" - The New York Times....uh huh. " He's informative, funny...his taste is impeccable." - Boston Herald...hmmmm! "The triumph of Dylan's show is that it really is unlike anything else you could hear, and as such is priceless." The Observer UK.....gooood! "...revelatory...Dylan's song choices are impressively varied" - Rolling Stone...What a relief!. .....and to hear he's spaced out on Satellite Radio.

Opal Mehta. Mean anything to you? Kaavya Viswananthan? Anything? Thought not. Don't worry about it. C.

Financial sit down comic Louis Rukeyser is dead at 73. He hosted Wall Street Week in review. I mention him in the context of the arts because he made investing seem cute, innocent, fun, not to worry kind of activity. He gathered experts around him weekly and they talked shop way over my head. It was voyeuristic at best. He got a raw deal from PBS , but reinvested his time and talents at CNBC.


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